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How to Journal like a Pro

To Journal is the act of keeping track of your personal thoughts, feelings, insights and experience. It can be written, drawn or typed. It can be on paper or on your computer. It’s a simple, low cost way to improve your mental health.

Psychologists and experts acknowledge that true change occurs only in the reflection and consideration of an experience. So journal writing gives you that opportunity without necessarily talking to a therapist on a daily basis.

It is not always easy to start a journal. It can feel like work, and the expectation of writing every day can scare some people off. But the positive effects of journal books can be felt, even if they are not done daily.


I managed to discover more than 83 benefits of journal writing, but today we will only examine 5 main benefits of journalling:

  1. Reduce stress
  2. Improves immune function because the gastrointestinal system and the brain are so closely related to each other. They do not say in vain that you should trust your gut.
  3. Keep memory sharp
  4. Boost your mood or mood
  5. Strengthen emotional function

Tips on how to tackle journal writing:

  • Become aware of your patterns, thoughts, feelings and behaviors that make you feel trapped or trapped. The areas and experiences you can consider are your emotional, social / interpersonal, spiritual, physical and professional or financial lifestyles.
  • Then select a small area of ​​change.
  • Set conscious intention to bring about change in that one chosen area
    • Ask yourself,
    • Today I practice:
    • Today I am grateful for:
    • Today I am:
    • Change in this area allows Me to:
    • Today I practice:
  • Then start practicing to change the thoughts, feelings and behaviors that make you feel trapped
  • Repeat the above process every day or as often as possible to effect transformation.

Further tips

The days I remember to journal but do not fancy journaling, it’s my brain’s need to avoid something. So even that is a sign of mental health.

Using the emotion wheel can be very beneficial for emotional regulation, building self awareness and relationship with yourself and others. Listener can follow me on Facebook and Instagram where I will load the wheel with instructions. As well as registering on my website for a journal guide that can help with the beginning of the process.

Check our our Online Store for the New-Mom Journal, The Good Enough Mother Journal and Every Mom’s Planner.

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